In finance and signal processing, detecting trends or smoothing noisy data streams efficiently is crucial. A popular tool for this task is a linear regression applied to a sliding (rolling) window of data points. This approach can serve as a low-pass filter or a trend detector, removing short-term fluctuations while preserving longer-term trends. However, naive methods for sliding-window regression can be computationally expensive, especially as the window grows larger, since their complexity typically scales with window size.

Fortunately, a clever algorithm—known in signal processing as the Savitzky-Golay filter—offers an efficient way to implement this sliding linear regression with constant-time complexity, independent of the window size. The key is to maintain a small set of running accumulators that update quickly at each new data point, resulting in O(1) complexity per update.

Fig 1. A random walk (blue) and the endpoint of a OLS fit of a sliding window of size 50.

Below, we outline the mathematics behind this efficient streaming algorithm.

Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Fit Equations

Given n pairs of data points (x_i, y_i), we define the following summations:

    \begin{align*}S_x = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} x_i,\\S_y = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} y_i,\\S_{xy} = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} x_i y_i,\\S_{xx} = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} x_i^2\end{align*}

The OLS solution for the line y=ax+b is given by:

    \begin{align*}a = \frac{n S_{xy} - S_x S_y}{n S_{xx} - S_x^2}, \\b = \frac{S_y - a S_x}{n}\end{align*}

Sliding the Window Efficiently (O(1) Complexity)

To achieve constant-time complexity, we use the special case where the x-values are fixed integers x=[0, 1, \cdots, n-1]. In this scenario, two of the accumulators become constants:

Only two accumulators need updating when sliding forward:

Updating Sy​:
When the window slides forward one step, we receive a new value y_n and discard the oldest value y_0. Thus, the update rule is:

    \[S_y^\prime \leftarrow S_y + y_n - y_0\]

For S_{xy}​, the update equation avoids recomputing the entire sum:

Initially we have:

    \[S_{xy} = 0 \cdot y_0 + 1 \cdot y_1 + 2 \cdot y_2 + \dots + (n-1) \cdot y_{n-1}\]

After sliding:

    \[S_{xy}^\prime \leftarrow 0 \cdot y_1 + 1 \cdot y_2 + \dots + (n-2) \cdot y_{n-1} + (n-1) \cdot y_n\]

Expressing S_{xy}^\prime in terms of S_{xy}​ and S_y^\prime:

    \[S_{xy}^\prime = S_{xy} - S_y^\prime + n y_n\]

This relationship requires only the previously computed accumulators and the new incoming value, providing constant-time complexity regardless of window length.

A C++ version of this algorithm in our screamer library executes 1mln linear regressions on streaming data, with a windows size 1000, in just 5 milliseconds. The speedup compared to numpy is a factor 1800, and against pandas 60.000.

Python code below!

from collections import deque
import numpy as np

class RollingLinearRegression:
    def __init__(self, window_size):
        Implements an O(1) sliding window linear regression using a fixed-size rolling buffer.

        - window_size: Number of points in the rolling window.
        if window_size < 2:
            raise ValueError("Window size must be 2 or more.")

        self.window_size = window_size
        self.y_buffer = deque(maxlen=self.window_size)  # Ring buffer for y-values
        self.reset()  # Initialize all values

    def reset(self):
        """ Resets the accumulator values to their initial state. """
        self.sum_y = 0.0
        self.sum_xy = 0.0
        self.n = 0  # Number of actual elements in the window
        self.sum_x = 0
        self.sum_xx = 0

    def add(self, yn):
        Adds a new data point to the rolling window and updates regression statistics.

        - yn: The new incoming y-value.
        y0 = self.y_buffer[0] if len(self.y_buffer) == self.window_size else 0.0

        self.sum_y += yn - y0

        if self.n < self.window_size:
            self.sum_x += self.n
            self.sum_xx += self.n * self.n
            self.sum_xy += self.n * yn
            self.n += 1
            self.sum_xy += self.window_size * yn - self.sum_y

    def get_slope(self):
        """ Returns the current slope (a) of the rolling regression line. """
        if self.n < 2:
            return None  # Not enough data points yet
        return (self.n * self.sum_xy - self.sum_x * self.sum_y) / (self.n * self.sum_xx - self.sum_x**2)

    def get_intercept(self):
        """ Returns the current intercept (b) of the rolling regression line. """
        if self.n < 2:
            return None  # Not enough data points yet
        slope = self.get_slope()
        return (self.sum_y - slope * self.sum_x) / self.n

    def get_endpoint(self):
        Returns the estimated y-value at the last x-position (n-1),
        which can be used as a trend filter output.
        if self.n < 2:
            return None  # Not enough data points yet
        slope = self.get_slope()
        intercept = self.get_intercept()
        return intercept + (self.n - 1) * slope